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beta 2.5.4 not sending Lat and Long


The app seems to be sending lon=N/A and lat=N/A with the new 2.5.4 beta version testing acc.

Sep-15 13:00:15       PHLocation Warning   (ProcPositionData) Called for user 669 Lat:N/A Lon:N/A Acc:127.5 Spd:-1 Alt:0 AltRes:0 Crs:-1 BatLvl:-1 ChgState:-1 DevState:-1 HasLoc:True
Sep-15 13:00:15       PHLocation   (httpprocrequest) Time taken to process request = 0.0060004 seconds.
Sep-15 13:00:15       PHLocation   (ProcEgiTrkData) ET position data enqueued as: ID:669 Lat:N/A Lon:N/A Time:9/15/2016 5:59:18 PM Acc:127.5 Offset: Spd:-1 Crs:-1 Alt:0 Batt:-1 Svc:ET
Sep-15 13:00:15       PHLocation   (ProcEgiTrkData) EGI Trk data arrival. deviceid=<masked>&lat=N/A&lon=N/A&acc=127.5&date=2016-09-15T17:59:18Z&zone=Home&phlid=669
Sep-15 13:00:15       PHLocation   (httpprocrequest) EgiTracking data accepted.
Sep-15 13:00:15       PHLocation   (httpprocrequest) RawURL = /phlegitracking
Sep-15 13:00:15       PHLocation   (httpprocrequest) Received data = deviceid=<masked>&lat=N/A&lon=N/A&acc=127.5&date=2016-09-15T17:59:18Z&zone=Home&phlid=669
Sep-15 13:00:15       PHLocation   (httpprocrequest) Request Type = GET
Sep-15 13:00:15       PHLocation   (httpprocrequest) User and Password authenticated OK


--- Zitat von: Jobee am 15.09.2016, 20:09:21 ---The app seems to be sending lon=N/A and lat=N/A with the new 2.5.4 beta version testing acc.

--- Ende Zitat ---

I have modified some variables, which  I told to Paul from Homeseers, that I changed them. I think you have to change from
${latitude} and  ${longitude}
${realLatitude} and ${realLongitude}

Please see: http://egigeozone.de/manual/default_en.html#variables

Changes to variables fixed the issue.  Thank you.


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