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Suggestion for more email profiles in one zone
Hello from Tennessee!
I would just like to make the case for multiple email profiles for a single geofence. Here's what I am trying to accomplish.
So I want to set my Ecobee to away mode when the wife and I leave the geofence area and set it to home when either of us are in the fence.
To do the logic on this, I wrote a Google app script that monitors a spreadsheet for changes that indicate if we are inside or outside the fence.
To modify the spreadsheet, I have setup IFTTT rules that are triggered by an email. So, if I leave the geofence, I need to send a trigger email that has #StephenAway in the subject line. If I am entering the geofence, I need to send an email with #StephenHome in the subject line.
IFTTT will then update the spreadsheet according to the emails received.
So currently, in order to accomplish this, I would need to setup two geofences, one with an arrive email and one with an away email. However this seems inefficient.
If you allowed us to have multiple email profiles per fence, that would solve my dilemma. Or if we could customize the variables, that could work as well.
I am trying to use your program because the built-in geofencing of IFTTT is completely unreliable. Your program has everything I need, just that allowing us to solve the scenario I outlined above would make it perfect for folks trying to do something similar to what I am doing.
Stephen in Cookeville, TN. USA
Sent from my XT1060 using Tapatalk
Welcome Stephen!
I am now at skiing. I will answer you soon.
Have a good time! It was over 70 degrees f here today. Very unusual for us. Crazy weather these days.
Sent from my XT1060 using Tapatalk
We had about 32 degrees F here. It was quite nice, not much snow, but enough.
So to your questions.
--- Zitat ---To modify the spreadsheet, I have setup IFTTT rules that are triggered by an email. So, if I leave the geofence, I need to send a trigger email that has #StephenAway in the subject line. If I am entering the geofence, I need to send an email with #StephenHome in the subject line.
--- Ende Zitat ---
I am not familiar with IFTTT, but you wrote, that you had setup the rules yourself. So why can't you change the subject to something like #Stephen_exited and #Stephen_entered? In the subject definition you have to write #Stephen_${transition}
Your other suggestions, would make a lot of changes to the app.
Hey, you are correct! Now I feel like a dummy! 8)
I installed your app and so far for day one it worked perfectly while the IFTTT app never triggered on location. Their app is horrible for geofencing.
IFTTT is a neat if condition exists, then do a thing that links various web based services together. I am not sure if it is available in Germany or not.
As for the multiple notices, I too got those while I was messing with the settings, but once I had everything setup, that did not happen. I see that as expected behavior and wonder if others might think it indicates an issue where there is none.
I will get my rules all setup and give it a week and report back my results. Thanks for the easy solution!
Sent from my XT1060 using Tapatalk
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