EgiGeoZone > EgiGeoZone Telegram Plugin

Plugin variables


Thanks for your great work.
My question is about the variables that the plugin can send. In order to do some calculations I need to get the latitude and longitude of the device when the message is sent. I think the app have them avaiable: ${realLatitude} and  ${realLongitude}. However when I placed them in the command line I get the text that is placed in the line, not the value. And in fact they are not listed in the plugin instructions.
So is there any chance to get them ?


--- Zitat von: Fenando am 28.02.2018, 22:36:29 ---In order to do some calculations I need to get the latitude and longitude of the device when the message is sent. I think the app have them avaiable: ${realLatitude} and  ${realLongitude}. However when I placed them in the command line I get the text that is placed in the line, not the value.

--- Ende Zitat ---
You are right. This variables are not implemented. Instead you can use:

--- Code: ---${latitude} Latitude
${longitude} Longitude
--- Ende Code ---

I will add them soon. Then you have to update EgiGeoZone and the Plugin!

Ok, I will wait for the update, hope it doesn't take too long   ;D

It works!!! Thanks a lot  :D


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