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Can't communicate to HomeSeer through VPN
--- Zitat ---java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve "my.url": No address associated with hostname
at java.net.InetAddress.lookupHostByName(InetAddress.java:424)
--- Ende Zitat ---
The problem is, that the name can not be resolved. I don´t understand why, because I didn´t make something special. I will research.
Did you try it on the same place in the browser? I mean with wifi or outside.
Can you try it with the ip-address?
I can reach the address from a browser on the phone both using cellular data and wifi. I can't try the IP address because I'm using a dynamic dns service.
Just to be clear I only get the error when I'm using my VPN service. With the VPN turned off everything works as expected.
Thanks for the help!
--- Zitat ---I can't try the IP address because I'm using a dynamic dns service.
--- Ende Zitat ---
I know, but only to test, if it works then.
--- Zitat ---Just to be clear I only get the error when I'm using my VPN service. With the VPN turned off everything works as expected.
--- Ende Zitat ---
Had understood.
I will look, if I can find something.
Great. Thank you again. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help.
Sorry, but I couldn't find any solution until now.
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